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Latest News and Updates on Textile Auxiliaries and Dyes

Stay up-to-date on the latest news and updates on textile auxiliaries and dyes from Tiankun Chemical.

  • Fiber graphene inner warm fiber is a new intelligent multi-functional fiber material composed of biomass graphene and various fibers. It has low temperature and far-infrared functions that exceed the international advanced level, and integrates anti-static functions. Graphene inner warm fiber filame
  • Most of the spandex core-spun yarns are made by adding spandex yarn feeding and drafting mechanism on the traditional ring spinning frame, which is made by ring spinning and twisting. Usually, the spandex thread density and draft ratio are selected according to the yarn linear density. The linear de
  • Moisture contentThe percentage of the weight of moisture contained in the material to the actual weight or percentage of moisture content.
  • Based on the essential difference between the processing process of recycled polyester and virgin polyester, which results in different characteristics, the sample is processed according to the specified conditions and tested on a high performance liquid chromatograph. According to the difference in the relative peak area of the sample under different retention times , To achieve the purpose of qualitative identification.
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