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A start-up thermal transfer ink factory in Africa,engaged in digital rinting.

Publish Time: 2020-12-03     Origin: Site


A start-up thermal transfer ink factory in Africa,engaged in digital rinting.


1. The raw materials used in the early thermal transfer inks are uncertain.
2. Customers are uncertain about their needs.
3. The problem of high conductivity of domestic dyes causes customers to have no confidence in our company's products.


1.Recommended testing from conventional products was invalid, and later selected high-concent ration salt-free dry powder for customers to try, and finally selected several suitable varieties.

2. Support and encourage customers to start from a few hundred grams of small samples to 25kg pilot test, and then to bulk purchases.

3.Screen out a scattered blue variety with the best domestic quality and stability, and let customers start with this product. Later, after the customer got on the new machine, we gradually promoted the stable purchase of other varieties in our company every month.

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